Thursday 5 January 2012

The Twelfth Day of Christmas, Night of Misrule, Mayhem and Mystery

Father Christmas rests on Day 12
Love those sexy pinks and lilies Helen!!!
Radio Butterflies of change

 Thursday, January 5, 2012: 1038pm
Hi there fellow bloggers, friends and family and other citizens out there in cyber space. This blogging journey is  revolutionizing my life.Opening my eyes to the infinite world of technology and how to reach the universe at the click of a computer and the tap of a keyboard. Soon the keyboard will be obsolete, too, for those who have the "the speaking programme." Many funny stories I could share on that, another time,being married to a German who can't type to save himself.

Tonight I am infinitely connected. To my Higher Power, which I usually call "God". Sometimes I call "God" other things as well, though not so much in recent times. I attended a brilliant 12-Step ID meeting tonight. Six blokes, four sheilahs - in my truest sense of that word. We had a humdinger of a session, sharing everything from cancer treatment, to suspected cancer diagnosis, to orphaned and abandoned childhoods, to crappy days at work, to happy clean and sober Christmases for the first or the umpteenth time. It was magical.

Good card Pearl!
Indeed, our pet, Pearl Cat, drew the 'Magical' Angel Card, otherwise known as Christ, this evening, intuited by my daughter, now anonymous in this blog since her reading our Christmas day semi-debacle. She will be renamed TenAR, as of her birthday, Monday, January 9.

Today was thrilling, truly Magical. Real Christmas had arrived at last, a few days late but not too bad. I used to call such days, Red Carpet days, in my using mad bad sad years. Fortunately I am approaching my 14th recovery birthday. Days like today are undoubtedly special but they are counter-balanced with days like November 17, last year, when I was told I had cancer. Best to roll with the punches, or dodge the big waves as an infectious yoga teacher wisely told me dozens of moons ago.

All the excitement, anxiety and exhilaration of preparing for almost 10AR's six hour, two-tiered birthday party on Monday bubbled so many emotions in me it was hard to cope. Remembering my own 10th birthday when all I asked for was a massive gogo watch on a wide purple suede band. It was 1970!! It was so "out" the following year my mother took to wearing it on her wrist. I have a poor history with watches and time. It's my body chemistry. They just stop working if I don't give them or throw them away first. Today I just go with the flow and hand the rest over to my Higher Power as much as I am able at any given moment. Attitude plays a huge role. And today I was in the zone.
~TenAR does Christmas & New Year tough

Almost 10AR, doing the Angel card readings, pulled 'Love' for herself, which is also known as "God" and the cards don't get much more special than the Son and the Father. The card she pulled for me was 'Sweetness', Guardian Angel, time to treat myself with extra TLC. Lo and behold, she repulled 'Sweetness' again for my husband, Michael. Quite a blowout of a reading. No wonder the family was so harmonious and we all had such a wonderful day.

Almost 10AR and I had a mega shopping spree for her Birthday 10-pin Bowling & Orange Disco affair. We then popped into the Good Luck shop for me to cheer myself up with some little treat. I have been suffering a lot of nausea and subsequent insomnia since Chemo Round 2 on Tuesday. Every day a new blight, a new challenge. I'm almost bald at the back of my head. I desperately want to change my spectacles. A million irritations, none of which are important other than staying alive; getting through each day with joy and love in my heart to the best of my ability.

So I bid adieu. I need sleep, much as I am addicted to this game. Amen. Love Gill.

PS. Thanks for all the comments, it has buoyed my spirits no end, dear friends. And particularly from my four living, loving and dearest brothers, Nick, Justin, Tony and Chris. To have you on this cyber train means the world to me. It is always been what I ever wanted. To feel loved and validated by my family, especially my siblings. I hope we can rocket 2012 into the fourth dimension and meet up again in the flesh with little holidays of renewal here and there. I am particularly keen to meet my nephews, Camillo and Jude, 10 years overdue, but never too late. Life is bountiful and infinite. Seize the day and all that. Hooray for January 6. Christmas is over and so the Lord of Lady of Misrule must retire at her own peril. Especially, Major thanks to my supporters and helpers quietly working under cover. Love you all dearly.  Gill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bye, bye. 1203am

1 comment:

  1. Happy January the 6th.
    Isn't it funny how you can just duck under a powerful wave and find safety in a peaceful quiet ocean.
